Hello, my name is…

5 min readJun 16, 2022

As you might have guessed from the above image, we have a fairly big announcement!

In this update we are going to cover three massive bits of news.

However, before we get into the details, we wanted to say this. If you have been with us a while, then you will know we are a community first platform. You, our community, is at the heart of everything we do. We read every comment and message you put out, we listen to all your feedback and we use the data from the polls you vote on.

The three following announcements have come as a direct result of listening to you, as well as to our world class advisors. We hope that when you have read this article, you are as pumped as we are about the future.

It’s all in a name

Over the next few weeks, you are going to see a new name and brand rolled out across our website, as well as our other official channels and platforms as Solstarter becomes Sphere.

Why the name change? Well, we thought Sphere sounded fairly cool, but it is more than that; the main reason is that we are becoming a multichain launchpad and we needed a name and brand that didn’t tie us to a single chain.

Not only will we be continuing to launch leading early stage Solana based projects, but we will also be launching high growth early stage Ethereum based projects too. The team has been working really hard behind the scenes on the integration side and we will be testing and rolling this out in the next few weeks.

As the market grows, crypto projects will be wanting to reach more users, find more investors and increase their token utility. This is important, because being a multichain launchpad will deliver on these three areas for projects and ensure we can have some of the brightest stars of the future to start their journey with us.

Being part of our community puts you in a unique position to get involved in these projects as they do their IDOs with us.

Our ticker will be changing along with our brand, for our launch it will be SXS. This is now locked in and with exchanges we will be listing with. More on exchanges in a bit!

Dare we mention the market!

The last few weeks have certainly been interesting!

At present we are seeing a period of hyper volatility, even for the crypto space. This makes launching anything very tough.

We know we have an amazing product and we know that becoming a multichain launchpad will only increase our reach and potential. We were not worried about launching when the market is down, but when there is this much volatility it makes it extremely risky to launch.

We have seen a lot of you talking about this on our different channels. We have also spoken to our advisors. It is off the back of your thoughts and this advice, that we have made the decision to postpone (not for long!) just until the market is a bit more stable.

We haven’t yet taken any investment from you, our community, and we are not willing to do so while the market has so much volatility in it. We don’t think this would be fair for you or give your new SXS tokens the best chance to succeed.

For those that have whitelist spots, nothing changes for you, your places are 100% secure. You will be emailed directly with details when we have a launch date to ensure you have a full brief on how to take part in our IDO. For those that have won airdrops, all of these are again 100% secure and will take place along the same timeline, just in line with the new TGE date when confirmed.

Ready for some hype?

When the market has calmed down a bit and we launch there is something that we think you will be excited about…

In a recent poll we asked:

What is the key thing you would like to see from future projects that do IDOs?

One of the top responses was a leading exchange to list them.

We took that result to heart, and we are super excited to announce that we have locked in a top 5 global exchange, who will list us when we launch. We are already working with them to ensure we can lock in a date and we will be led by them on when this is.

We are also working with other major exchanges, with our aim to bring on one more for when we launch. All these details will be announced when we have a new launch date, but we wanted to let you know now, so you know how serious we are about launching.

That was a bit of a long read and we covered a lot. But we hope all of the above makes sense and you are as hyped as we are.

As we said at the start, we have always been community first to our core. We didn’t want to launch early, until we had proof of concept. We wanted to develop and grow to help make Sphere a leading player in the space. And we wanted to partner with a leading global exchange for our launch.

We have done all of this.

When the market is right, you had better be ready…

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Sphere is a multichain community first IDO platform — empowering launchpad projects to raise liquidity in a fair & decentralized manner.